*SONG FOR THE NEWBORN : The English version is after the Japanese text, please scroll down.


裸のまま その子を 寝かせよ。
大地の母の そばで
子が 大地のよき心を、めぐみの主を

両腕に この子を 抱きとめる
よき心を はぐくみますようにと。
どうぞこの子が 大きくなるまで
年老いるまでの 道のりを
うつくしく 歩きとおせますよう。
母なる大地のよき心を 抱いて生きるなら
母は子に 自分の実りのすべてを 与えるだろう。
裸のまま その子を 寝かせよ。


To be sung by the one who first takes the child from its mother.

Newborn, on the naked sand
Nakedly lay it.
Next to the earth mother,
That it may know her;
Having good thoughts of her, the food giver.

Newborn, we tenderly
In our arms take it,
Making good thoughts.
House-god, be entreated,
That it may grow from childhood to manhood,
Happy, contented;
Beautifully walking
The trail to old age.
Having good thoughts of the earth its mother,
That she may give it the fruits of her being.
Newborn, on the naked sand
Nakedly lay it.

<Grandes Pueblos>

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4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |

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