山尾三省の詩 [5]

English translation


やがて三歳になるミチトクンと 山に行った
ミチトクンは細いホダ木をひきずって 山道を下りはじめた
木の根もあれば草の根もあり つる草も這っていればトゲのある草もある
けれどもそれはオシゴトだから 僕はミチトクンと歩調を合わせてはいられない
ずんずん先に歩いて 山道を下ってしまった
下の道にホダ木をおろし ふたたび山道を登ってゆくと
それでも椎の木は手からはなさず 山道を下ってくるところだった
ヤアミットクン ガンバッテルネ
そう声をかけて 僕はそのまま道を登っていった
山の空気は 大人のためには浄らかだけど
空はどんよりと暗く 樹々の葉っぱは黒ずんだ緑色で
二本目のずっしり重いホダ木をかつぎ上げて ゆっくり下ってゆくと
ヤアミットクン ガンバッテルネ
ウン ガンバッテルヨ と答えた
僕はそのままミチトクンを追いぬいて 下の道へ下った
そしてそこで 今度はミチトクンがおりてくるのを待った
山というところは 本来は怖いほどに淋しいところなのだということが よく判った
ミチトクンはそれを拒んで 自分でちゃんとそれを立てかけた
ミットクン ガンバッテルネエ 三たび声をかけると
ウン ガンバッテルヨ と答えた
ミットクン ヤクニタツネエ とほめると
ウン ヤクニタツヨ と答えた
今度は二人で またもとの山道をゆっくりと登っていった



山尾三省の詩 INDEX


Copyright 1993 by Sansei Yamao

Sansei Yamao's poem [5]

At the Mountain

By Sansei Yamao

I went with Michito, soon to be three years old, to the mountain.
We were carrying trees for growing shiitake* down to the lower road.
I hauled up a big shii tree onto my shoulder,
And with Michito dragging a little tree, we started down the mountain trail.
On the mountain trails,
There are tree roots, and weeds, and creepers strewn across the paths,
Not to mention brambles with thorns.
Just walking here was hard for Michito,
And although his tree was small, he had to pull it and walk at the same time,
So he was struggling,
But it was 'daddy's job' so I couldn't drop to his pace.
As I walked on the trail lowered,
And when I started up the trail again after dropping off my tree,
I saw that even though Michito was close to tears,
He was still going down the trail without releasing his shii tree.
"Hey Mitto, attaboy!"
I said to him and continued back up the hill.
The mountain air seems pure to adults,
But I suppose that to Mitchito it must seem frightfully lonely.
With that thought I looked around me,
The sky was gray and leaden, and the leaves on the trees were a blackish green,
I heard the cry of a deer from far away,
And the leaves on the trees rustled eerily.
When I hauled up my second tree and made my way slowly down the trail again,
Michito was looking at the ground,
And dragging his tree, he too was going slowly down the mountain.
"Attaboy Mitto!" I said,
But when I looked at his face,
He didn't seem close to tears,
In fact he was smiling.
"Attaboy!" he answered.
So leaving him there, I went on down to the lower road,
And there I waited for him to come down.
While waiting,
The realization that the mountains are essentially a frightfully lonely place,
Dawned on me,
And I realized too that the fearfully lonely air,
Made me, as an adult, feel simple and pure.
Finally Michito came down,
But when I went to take the tree from him,
He refused and stood it upright by himself.
I said for the third time "Attaboy Mitto!"
"Attaboy!" he answered.
But, feeling that wasn't enough, I said,
"You really helped me out, Mitto."
He answered, "I really helped you out."
And together we went slowly back up the mountain.

*Shiitake is a mushroom species popular in Japan. Traditionally it is grown by implanting it in trees such as the shii tree.

Translated by Alex Jones and Kazue Daikoku
(March 2005)

'Biroba bosino sitade/Poetry of Sansei Yamao' 1993 Published in Yasosha

Other poems by Sansei Yamao:
"Make the fire", "Mitto-kun and a cloud", "A Moonlit Night", "Dawn Cafe Au Leit"
About Sansei Yamao
New INDEX page of Sansei Yamao's Poetry

Copyright 1993 by Sansei Yamao
English translation Copyright 2005 by
Alexis Jones and Kazue Daikoku