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1981 『聖老人』(野草社)
1982 『狭い道 - 子供達に与える詩』(野草社)
1983 『野の道 - 宮沢賢治随想』(野草社)
1984 『ジョーがくれた石』(地勇社)
1985 『縄文杉の木陰にて』(新宿書房)
1988 『自己への旅』(聖文社)
1990 『回帰する月々の記』(新宿書房)
1991 『新月』(くだかけ社)
1991 『島の日々』(野草社)
1991 『桃の道』(六興出版)
1993 『びろう葉帽子の下で』(野草社)
1995 『屋久島のウパニシャッド』(筑摩書房)
1995 『ぼくらの智慧の果てるまで』(宮内勝典との対談集/筑摩書房)
1995 『森の家から』(草光舎)
1996 『深いことばの山河』(日本教文社)
1996 『三光鳥』(くだかけ社)
1997 『一切教山』(溪声社)
1998 『法華経の森を歩く』(水書房)
1998 『聖なる地球のつどいかな』
1999 『ここで暮らす楽しみ』(山と渓谷社)
2000 『アニミズムという希望―講演録・琉球大学の五日間』(野草社)
2002 『南の光のなかで』(野草社)
2002 『祈り』(山尾三省詩集/野草社)

*葉っぱの坑夫で、山尾三省の詩を読む INDEX ページ

*このプロフィールのテキストを元にした原稿を、フリー百科事典 Wikipedia日本語版『山尾三省』の項目に投稿しました。(Kazue daikoku, 2008年1月17日)

= 葉っぱの坑夫TOPへ =

Sansei Yamao was born in Tokyo in 1938. He left Waseda University(School ofWestern philosophy) before graduation. In the latter half of the 1960s, he and his companions, Nanao Sakaki and Tetsuo Nagasawa, started a commune called "Buzoku"(tribe), to change society. In 1973, he went on a pilgrimage to India and Nepal with his family for 1 year. After a while he came back to Japan and moved to a ghost village in Yaku Island (located in the southof Japan, and famous for Japanese Joumon cedar which lives for several thousand years) with his family in 1977. He began to build a village at Shirakawa mountain. He has been writing his poetry and prose, and farming his field for over 20 years here. He met his old friend Gary Snyder recently (in spring 1997) in Gary's house in the Sierra Nevadas. In 1966 Sansei had met Gary, who had received his first Zen training in Kyoto. Sansei and Gary traversed Ominesan mountain range, which is known as Shugendou mountain, in Nara together for 1 week. After Gary came back to the USA, and Sansei went to India and then moved to Yaku Island, they have not been in contact with each other for a long time. So Sansei was surprised to know that Gary's recent theme is Bioregionalism, because he had been thinking about very similar things for 20 years. He says, "The earth is just a region, a region is just the earth".
He passed away on 28 August, 2001.
(Written by Kazue Daikoku)

read his poems, "Make the fire", "Mitto-kun and a cloud" and "A Moonlit Night"

Link to Minami-Nippon Shimbun(Newspaper)
Sansei's poem "Seirojin" and about Yakushima Island

= Happa-no-Kofu top_page =