
ことばの断片。それは詩集の中の一篇だったり、歌の詞だったり、童話の一節だったり、 ときに日記や手紙のきれはしだったりするかもしれません。

今の人の、もう死んだ人の、詩人の、部族伝承の、北欧の国からの、ハワイの島々からの、 日本やアメリカの、古代ギリシアの、アイヌや北米インディアンやクレオールの・・・。 時間や空間をこえて、いま生きているわたしたちに響くことばの断片を集めます。

ことばの断片は、掲載作品を読んで鑑賞することからはじまり、自作の投稿や好きな作品の推薦、掲載作品の翻訳など、自分がやってみたい方法で参加することのできるプロジェクトです。すでに翻訳が載っている作品に、 新たに自分の翻訳を投稿することも可能です。更新しつづける未完のアンソロジー作品、それがこのプロジェクトです。




[ことばの断片とは?] [作品リスト] [作品や推薦の送り方]
[葉っぱの坑夫トップページ] [感想メール]

What is "fragments" project?

Fragments. When we say "fragments", it might be a poem in a poetry book, or words of a song. And sometimes it might be a passage from a story, or it could be just a fragment from a private diary or a letter.

We would like to collect various fragments over time and space. We would like to read a poem from a frosty land of Northern Europe and also enjoy some song lyrics from the Hawaiian islands. We like to read a poem by a splendid poet and also respect a lively lullaby of Native Americans or Creoles. We will publish fragments which will create a lively spirit for people of our time.

Here everyone can join the project in one's own way, from contributing your own work to translating someone's work into another language. You can add your translation by contributing to the work someone has already done. This project is an unfinished anthology, which will be continuously updated.

Our purpose is not only to collect splendid literary expressions, but we would like to meet people (and their world) which we don't know well through their writings, and share the pleasure together. We will collect poems and fragments widely, not only the works of professional poets and writers.

We will produce pages from both our collection and contributions of readers. You might be concerned about confusion when we put high quality poems and beginners' poems together in the same place. But here, we would like to think what language is, and why we, human beings have continued using language. And we will be happy if we find a "language" which can transcend various kinds of differences between nations, religions, cultures, mentalities, climates, poverty and wealth, woman and man......., even if it is a translated language. Do you think it is possible? We are not sure, but we are ready to try it, to experiment with it.

We have the method and criteria of contribution here, please visit it before your preparation.

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