A leaf of Words

Rie Miyagawa

- Japanese-

hard to hold
a paper baloon
needs your breath
to come back

a leaf of paper
torn apart
falling on my toe
listening to the silence of the snow

that's it for today on Friday
forget about the five-days war
no matter how hard it was
two days cease fire now

red clouds are frozen
at golden dawn
orange sun
thaw the purple horizon

a stray cat
on the back street
running after the crescent moon
skipping like a stone

a favorite glove
left in the
ferris wheel
will never come back

Rie Miyagawa
She was born in Hiroshima. She is in practice of, and teaches aromatherapy and reflexology. She wrote her very first poem when she was 6. After an interval, she has been writing poems since around 1988.

Copyright by Rie Miyagawa



- English-

かみふうせん もちがたし いきをふきこむ
おちてきたとき かたちは かわって

かみをちぎりて てからはらはら
わがくつのうえにおちる ゆきのしずけさ

きんようび きょうはここまで のこえまちどおし
たいへんだった いつかかんのせんそうの ことはわすれよう
ふつかだけの ていせん まじかに

まよいねこ みかづきおいかける
いしのようにかるく すきっぷ

あかいくも こおっているよ
きんいろのよあけは ちかい
おれんじの たいようが
むらさきの ちへいせんを とかしてる

おとしてしまった おきにいりのてぶくろ

宮河 利恵 (みやがわ りえ)

Copyright by Rie Miyagawa