少年 K


- English-

川っぷちに立っている牛に向けて、恐る恐るシャッターを押した「少年 K」
K にとって牛は、越えがたい大きな世界の化身のようなものだった・・・のか。

夜ごと、オリオン座の大星雲を言葉もなく覗いていた K。

ダイオード、トランジスタ、コンデンサー、抵抗、バリコン・・・小さな部品をハンダでつなぎとめては、か細く聞こえてくるラジオ放送にドキドキしていた K。


世界の手触りを失いかけている今、もう一度あの「少年 K」に会いたい。


秋田県大館市 1962年 フジペット・カメラにて

1952年、秋田県大館市生まれ。9才から写真を撮りはじめる。最初にもった自分用のカメラは子供用のものであったが、かなり性能のいいものだったらしい。高校、歯科大学時代とずっと写真を撮り続け、歯科大を中退後、東京綜合写真専門学校で写真を学ぶ。1986年出版の写真集「ランドスケープ」で日本写真協会新人賞を、1992年出版の「FIRST LIGHT」で木村伊兵衛写真賞を受賞。近年はデジタルカメラとインターネットを境界を越えていく新しいメディアとして捉え、インターネット上での作品出版、デジタルカメラによる作品制作に積極的に取り組んでいる。小林のりおホームページ

Copyright 2001 by Norio Kobayashi
Photograph Copyright 1962 by Norio Kobayashi

Boy K

Norio Kobayashi

- Japanese-

It was spring - or was it autumn?
Boy K, you timidly clicked the shutter of the camera aiming at the cow on the bank.
It appeared as an avatar of the vast, unconquerable World to the boy's eyes.

Every night you were looking up at the Great Nebula of Orion in silence.
In the eyepiece of the telescope, the time was stretched to billions of light years and it was dancing - wasn't it?

Diodes, transistors, condensers, variable condensers, and resistors...
You soldered the pieces on the board, and were fascinated with the faint voice of the self-made radio.
The future seen through the thin three legs of a transistor was trembling with uncertainty - it was!

What were you thinking? What were you dreaming?

I'm losing the touch of the World, and I want to meet you again, Boy K.

Over there, on the road
Somebody is coming
He is carrying a digital camera
A man in his late forties

1962. Odate-shi, Akita Prefecture, Japan. Taken with a Fujipet Camera.

translated from the Japanese by YAMAMOTO Yuji(CosmosHouse)

Norio Kobayashi
He was born in Akita prefecture(the north of Japan) in 1952. He had his first camera when he was nine years old. It was just a child's camera, but he remembers that it performed very well. He started taking pictures, and continued constantly, through high school and during his dentistry university studies. He left university and began to study at a photography school. He published his first work, "LANDSCAPES" in 1986, and won a prize for the book next year. His next publication, "FIRST LIGHT"(in 1992), won a prize which was the best prize for a photographer in Japan in the year. Recently he started publishing his work on the internet. And he is using a digital camera very aggressively. He thinks that a digital camera and the internet are wonderful tools for his artistic expression. His personal homepage is here.

Copyright 2001 by Norio Kobayashi
Photograph Copyright 1962 by Norio Kobayashi
translation Copyright 2001 by YAMAMOTO Yuji

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