After strong morning coffee I set out to climb Mount Antero losing the Way

Scott Larson

Browns Creek all froth and rage
cluttered with fallen pine.

Brook trout feed in shaded pools,
beavers unseen but for their dams.

After five minutes
not a person in sight.

Climbing steadily I reach the end of the trail,
ford the creek, wend through dense forest.

Above tree line the peak rises,
a mass of crumbling rock.

On all fours scrambling, slipping, 
then scratching my way to the summit.

Big horn sheep, mountain goats
tread absolute.

Scanning the horizon I realize
Antero looms across the valley floor.

My ego shattered
my effort in vain.

Scott Larson: He lives in Colorado.  He writes poetry and prose in all forms but his love for the mountains continually draws him back to writing and reading poems in the Chinese mountains and rivers tradition.  Two of his favorite poets of old include Han Shan and Meng Chiao.  He attempts to let his poetry unfold like a vast ink on paper Chinese landscape painting.  He dreams of one day hiking the 500 mile Colorado Trail and recording the journey in poetry and painting.  Any artist interested in collaborating on such a project can reach him at


Copyright by Scott Larson

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