across the sky

Kayo Yoshimoto

- Japanese -

There are so many differences
between you and me
But do they really matter
when we live together as one?

We were born under the same blue sky
and are livin' on the same planet

So why don't we stop silly argument?
Oh, I wanna see your smiling face .....

I always wonder why we fight or segregate
Knowing we are equal as human being?

So everyday, every night,
I pray for your peace
and I sing my song for you

Can you hear? Can you feel?
I want you to catch my voice
flyin' across the sky

Kayo Yoshimoto
She is a singer and songwriter who lives in Toyama(Japan), which has beautiful mountains and seashores. She has loved singing intensely since she was a child. She worked at The International Youth Development Exchange Program as a volunteer when she was a university student, and sung the Japanese version of the program's theme song there. She started out as a singer and a songwriter at that time. She lives in her hometown, Toyama, and enjoys its life and expresses her thoughts in her songs.
She released her first mini album "lost and found" in January, 2003. "across the sky" is on the CD, and you can listen to the song at the website below.

Sound Sonics:
(Please click DISCOGRAPHY, and then click the yellow banner which has Japanese letters.)

For your reference:
Toyama prefecture official website

*From the editor: One can listen to "across the sky" in many ways, depending on one's interpretation. I heard that in this song Kayo thought about the people who are in war zones or are forced to live in misery. I, Kazue, imagined children's smiles in Iraq and Afghanistan when I read it for the first time. And while I was translating it into Japanese, I often thought about my close friends, who are un-married couples of different nationalities. What do you imagine or think when you read the poem?

"across the sky" is the lyric of the song which includes in CD "lost and found" (Warner Indies Network).
Copyright by Kayo Yoshimoto
Photograph Copyright by Seidoh Sujaku

across the sky


- English -

だけど、それって そんなに気になること?

おなじ惑星に 生きているんだね

キミの笑顔が みたくなったよ

いつも思ってる どうしてボクら

だから毎日、祈るよ キミがココロ穏やかでいられる日々を
ボクの歌 キミのためにうたうよ 

聞こえてる? 感じてる?
ボクの歌声が この空をこえて
キミのところに とどきますように

●「across the sky」は、CD「lost and found」(Warner Indies Network)に収録の楽曲の詩です。

大学時代、「国際青年の村」(The International Youth Development Exchange Program)のボランティアスタッフをしていた時、オリジナルテーマソングのアレンジに関わりコーラスと日本語版のボーカルを担当したのが、音楽活動を始めるきっかけになった。以来、ずっと歌を作りつづけ、シンガーソングライターとしての活動をはじめる。2003年1月23日発売のファースト・ミニアルバム「lost and found」は、ピアノとアコースティック・ギターに歌、というシンプルなつくりの楽曲を中心に収めた作品集。


☆掲載の詩「across the sky」は聴く人読む人によってさまざまな受けとり方のできる作品ですが、ソングライターの心のうちには戦時下の人々やフェアでない生活を強いられている人々への思いもあるようです。訳者・だいこくは初めて読んだときはイラクやアフガニスタンの子供たちの笑顔を、訳しているときには、身近にいる国籍の違うカップルの人々のことを思い浮かべていました。

Copyright by Kayo Yoshimoto
Japanese translation copyright by kazue daikoku
Photograph Copyright by Seidoh Sujaku

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