
そめや まゆみ
- English -


欠伸したのは パパイヤの木の下
見上げたのは 雲の白、黄色、ピンク、オレンジ、
あの手紙を 今日こそ ちゃんと ポストに入れよう
猫の鈴を そっと はずしてあげよう

ニワトリもヤギも 後に続いて
みんな 走って帰ろう

銀色に輝く 水たまりを 飛び越えた時
今、笑った わたしの顔が 映った
さよなら、 また 明日

そめや まゆみ

田中千代学園短期大学 服飾科 卒業/セツ・モードセミナー美術研究科 卒業/‘97年より銅版画の制作を始める/‘98年 銅版画展(東京)/‘99年 銅版画展(東京)、 個展(東京)/2000年 銅版画展(東京)、個展(東京)

エッチング "In the rain" そめや まゆみ作

Copyright 2001 by Mayumi Someya
Artwork(etching) Copyright 2000 by Mayumi Someya

In the rain

Mayumi Someya

just now, a twinkling fish leaps from among the waves
just now, a gusting wind pulls at me from all directions

yawning under a papaya tree
looking up to the white, yellow, pink, and orange of clouds
with gray as lining
I will mail the letter today for sure
I will take off the cat's bell in silence

just now, the rain comes
just now, I go running with a huge leaf over my head
chickens and goats follow me
let's run home together

just as I jumped over the puddle's silver
my smile reflected in it
until tomorrow, goodbye

translated from the Japanese by This is My Home Literary Trajections
Mayumi Someya
Block print is sometimes called blind work: You can't visualize the result of your work until you see the final print. I always throb with excitement when I carefully turn over the final copy. You see, the paper comes out from under the plate which itself comes out through the press machine -- all mysteriously and nonintuitively removed from the appearance of the final product. Whenever the result exceeded my expectations, I felt like joining hands with someone, anyone, and setting off on a journey somewhere far away. Now, that's celebration! I work alone, yet I often feel as if I were collaborating with others, and then my atelier feels lively.

After Mayumi Someya graduated from college (dress and ornament curriculum) and then art school in Tokyo, she worked on etching in 1997. She participated in group exhibitions in Tokyo in 1998, 1999 and 2000, and also had one-person shows in Tokyo in 1999 and 2000.

Etching "In the rain" by Mayumi Someya

Copyright 2001 by Mayumi Someya
Artwork(etching) Copyright 2000 by Mayumi Someya
English translation Copyright 2001 by This is My Home Literary Trajections

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