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Web Press Happa-no-Kofu!

I am happy to have you join us in our quest to conquer the world through feats of gentle poetry and building blitzkrieg bridges of lightning-quick international human understanding. *laugh*

Over here, at
A Small Garlic Press, we are just a tiny handful of people, and historically not even the same people throughout, mind you, quietly working at making or little stapled poetry books, nonetheless real books with ISBNs, books available through Books in Print, as well as enlarging our permanent online poetry installations, both the free pamphlets available for downloads (Broadsides) as well as the magazine that is both a web and printed serial. It is also an internet archive. Yes, we are proud of Agnieszka's Dowry (AgD) ISSN1088-4300, celebrating its 4th birthday -- tomorrow!

Since our inception as a partnership between me and Kim Hodges, bringing my chapbook "Utah Poems" to the Chicago 1995 Underground Poetry Conference held at DePaul University, we have published 23 titles. We keep them all in print and, yes, they are selling, slowly, but they are selling. We also average about a 1000 distinct hosts visiting our site every week. Today we are a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation organized in Illinois, and while we are still just a handful of part-time volunteers with day jobs or family obligations, we are in a position to do so much more -- and to do it in an obviously non-monied way.

Of course, this is nothing compared to commercial traffic on the web.

But -- what is the web? What is its most telling use? We think that the web is the sum total of planetary community-making online. And, most tellingly, the web is the massive use of things in the small, a massively coexisting use, networked.

This means that the little presses such as yours and ours should make little blips on the radar screen of individuals searching the world over for kindred souls and kindred projects to take part in, in a world that is as accessible in their towns and nearby cities as easily as it might be 16 time zones away, where another worldscript altogether is the everyday idiom.

And it need not be a world driven just by money. Not that there is anything wrong with money -- but the world would be a sad, twisted and ugly place if everything of value reduced to material things and getting ahead through selling things. I am keenly aware of the American enterprising tendencies in this regard -- and of the great commercial spirit of the Far East.

Yet there is so much more in both places, always has been.

Perhaps that is where the true beauty of doing things for the satisfaction of doing them well comes in. And yes, doing publishing, publishing on paper, publishing on the web, publishing which costs at least one's effort, time, and outlays on software and access, and the cost of producing and consuming electricity.

We hope to continue to redeem these costs with beauty and poignancy, experience and cross-cultural enrichment, the beauty of work well-done and well-conveyed. I hope that you, the Reader, will support our two tiny press endeavors and find much joy in each -- perhaps enough to start your own? Go ahead, make our day!

Here's to the growing planetary network, the conquest of imaginations.

Marek Lugowski

A Small Garlic Press
Chicago * and internet
7 March 2000 (my mom's birthday!)


Web Press 葉っぱの坑夫!


こちらア・スモール・ガーリック・プレスは、ほんのわずかな人数で、しかもまったくバラバラな道を歩んできたものたちが、考えてもみてください、ISBNをもった正真正銘の本ではあるものの、ホッチキスどめのわずかな部数の詩の本をつくるために黙々と立ち働いているのです。わたしたちにはまた、永久オンライン版の詩のウェブサイトの中に、ウェブでも無料でダウンロードできる(同じ内容のシリーズ発行の印刷した本版もある)雑誌をもっています。それは、インターネット・アーカイブ(保管場所)でもあるわけです。そう、われわれは、明日でちょうど4周年を迎えるAgnieszka's Dowry (AgD) ISSN1088-4300、これを発行していることを誇りにしているのです。

そもそも、ぼくとキム・ホッジスがいっしょにASGPを始めることになって以来(1995年にシカゴのデポール大学で開かれたアンダーグラウンド・ポエトリー会議に、ぼくのチャップブック「ユタ・ポエムス」を持って行ったことがきっかけだった)、23冊の本を出版してきました。われわれはそれをすべて印刷の本でつくり、それを売り、非常にゆっくりではあるけれど、売り続けています。また、われわれのウェブサイトには、毎週1000人の訪問者があります。いまでは、われわれは、イリノイ州に認可された、501(c)(3)Nonprofit Corporationの非営利組織であるけれど、いまだ日々の仕事のあいまにわずかの時間を費やして活動するボランティアであり、家族の助けなども借りて、この活動がなりたっています。これはお金をかけないで活動する方法でもあるのです。







われわれはこういった出費を、美しさや鋭さに触れたり、貴重な体験や他文化との交流をしたり、いい仕事をやり遂げてそれを伝える喜びを感じたり、そういうことで、取り返し続けたい。読者の方が、この二つの小さな出版社の奮闘を応援してくれ、そこに楽しみを見つけてくださることを、心から願っています。そして、多分、あなたも始めたい? それならやりましょう、わたしたちの時代をつくっていきましょう!


シカゴ そしてインターネット
